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Sandra Daley, M.D.


sandra-daley-smallSandra Daley, M.D.–Member
Professor of Pediatrics (Ret.)
Associate Chancellor-Chief Diversity Officer

A Member of the Board of Directors since 1992, Dr. Daley is Professor of Pediatrics and Associate Chancellor—Chief Diversity Officer at the University of California San Diego.   She completed her Fellowship in Ambulatory Pediatrics at UCSD.

Dr. Daley has been Medical Director and Executive Director of the Comprehensive Health Center, an inner-city community health center serving the African-American and Latino communities in San Diego.  She is the recipient of a Kellogg Foundation National Fellowship Program leadership development award.

Among her many community service activities, Dr. Daley has served as consultant to the San Diego Unified School District, has directed the local Area Health Education Center Program, was Medical Director of the New Beginnings Project, and has worked with the Hispanic Center of Excellence Project to enhance the academic excellence of minority graduate students.   Currently, Dr. Daley is past-President of the Board of the Preuss School at UCSD.

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