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TIEE’s family of schools educate students across the full range of talent

TIEE’s schools are accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). WASC gave the highest level of accreditation to TIEE’s schools.

TIEE’s schools are certified non-public, non-sectarian schools (NPS’s) by the State Department of Education. This certification permits TIEE to contract with public school districts to provide special education and certain related services to students with special needs.

TIEE’s schools provide general education and special education using evidence based teaching methods. TIEE’s schools also offer speech and language, occupational therapy, counseling, and behavior intervention services for those students who require them.

TIEE’s schools accept private placements and students placed by their public school district.

TIEE’s schools accept foreign students who qualify for I-20 status. Contact TIEE’s Business Office for a determination.

TIEE’s schools process referrals and enroll students throughout the year.

No assessment for eligibility. TIEE does not offer assessment to determine whether a child qualifies for special education and services.

Private referral and placement
Parents of a child with special needs can enroll their child in one of TIEE’s schools based on an assessment to determine whether the school can provide a program appropriate to the child’s needs. By submitting the Application for Assessment to the relevant school Director, parents may refer their child for an assessment to make this determination.

The assessment process involves a review of the child’s school records as well as a live assessment of the child. Depending on the needs of the child, the live assessment may take as little as an hour or two, or it may take up to two to three days. The duration will be determined once TIEE assessment staff begins its evaluation. If the assessment staff believes that TIEE can provide a program appropriate to the child’s needs, an enrollment date will be identified and the child will be enrolled pending completion of certain documents, the child’s medical status, and proper payment of tuition or tuition deposit.

Public school district referral and placement
When is a referral made? A student can be referred to one of TIEE’s NPS’s by the student’s San Diego area school district when the student’s IEP team determines that, in order to derive educational benefit, the student requires more intensive education and services than has been provided and the student’s school district has no other placement for the student that can provide a program appropriate to the student’s needs.

Referrals include IEP’s and related documents. A public school district referral is initiated by forwarding to the school Director the student’s last two IEP’s, the most recent tri-annual report, and the student’s behavior plans, if any. Following TIEE’s review of these records, an assessment of the student is conducted to determine whether or not TIEE school personnel are of the opinion that they could provide a program to meet the student’s needs. Results are communicated to the student’s parents and to district personnel, and, if favorable, a date for the student’s enrollment is determined. Enrollment depends on a Master Contract and an Individual Services Agreement. School districts making one or more referrals to a TIEE NPS must have a Master Contract with TIEE and an Individual Services Agreement for each student.

Further assessment after enrollment. It commonly happens that, once students are enrolled in one of TIEE’s schools, teachers and therapists observe that the student requires achievement of goals other than those that are on the student’s IEP at the time of enrollment. When this occurs, and it most often does within the student’s first 30 days of attendance, a new IEP is developed in collaboration with the family and school district personnel.

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